

The festival was first organized in 1984 as part of the Magnus Festival. It is the oldest LGBT film festival in Europe and at the same time the oldest international film festival in Slovenia. Film screenings take place at the Slovenian Cinematheque, traditionally in December. In its 30th edition, the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival as it was known at that time was renamed to LGBT Film Festival.

Festival organizer and publisher of the film catalogue

ŠKUC Association, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
tel./fax 01 430 3530

The festival is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture.

Slovenian Cinematheque, Kinodvor, Gimnazija Ptuj, CID Ptuj, Intimate Cinema, GT22, MKC Maribor, Youth association Bistrica ob Sotli, MKSMC Botegin, Film Theatre Idrija, Koroška Pride, Knjižnica Ksaverja Meška, Cinema Ariston Trieste.

Selection and organization
Andrej Uzar, Brane Mozetič, Jasmina Šepetavc, Miha Bizjak, Miha Satler, Pino Pograjc, Polona Černič, Simona Jerala, Suzana Tratnik, Špela Setničar and Tadej Rondaij

Translation team
Maja Lovrenov (leader), Ana Grmek, Anja Naglič, Denis Debevec, Iztok Ilc, Janina Kos, Luka Pieri in Maša Peče.

Special thanks to
Aleš Pečnik, Aleš Zobec, Alex Eržen, Alojzija Zupan Sosič, Byoung Yoong Kang, FF, Jasmina Kožar, Jernej Škof, Legebitra, Matjaž Končina, Miran Šolinc, Mitja Blažič, Monika Zupin, Rdeče zore, Roman Kuhar, Veleposlaništvo republike Bolgarije, YHD and many others.

Media supporters
Radio Študent, Napovednik, Torek ob petih, Mladina, Gejm

Catalogue and poster design
Hand Bag

Contacts and info:

Association Škuc

Metelkova 6,
t: 01 4303 530

Slovenska Cinematheque

Miklošičeva 28,
t: 01 4342 520; ticket office 01 4342 524

The ticket office opens an hour before the first screening


Visitors under 25 or above 55 years of age have a 50% discount on tickets.

Help out the Festival!
You can also help out the festival by transferring a financial contribution to Škuc, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana, account number: SI56 0208 3001 7013 681, reference: 00-703, purpose: prispevek FGLF

The festival was supported by